What is the GS1 prefix of the EAN barcode of each country?

15/02/2023 09:22

GS1 is a global organization that sets standards for identifying, capturing and exchanging information about products and services around the world.
One of the most common standards established by GS1 is the EAN barcode, which is used to identify products worldwide.
EAN barcodes have a country prefix that identifies the country of origin of the product.
In UK, the GS1 country code is 50.
Here are the GS1 country prefixes for EAN barcodes:
00-13 United States & Canada
20-29 Reserved For Local Use (Stores/Supermarkets)
30-37 France
380 Bulgaria
383 Slovenia
385 Croatia
484 Moldova
485 Armenia
486 Georgia
487 Kazakhstan
489 Hong Kong
49 Japan
50 United Kingdom
520 Greece
528 Lebanon
529 Cyprus
531 Macedonia
535 Malt
539 Ireland
54 Belgium & Luxembourg
560 Portugal
569 Iceland
57 Denmark
590 Poland
594 Romania
599 Hungary
600-601 South Africa
609 Mauricio
611 Morocco
613 Algeria
619 Tunisia
621 Syria
622 Egypt
624 Libya
625 Jordan
626 Iran
627 Kuwait
628 Saudi Arabia
629 United Arab Emirates
64 Finland
690-692 China
70 Norway
729 Israel
73 Sweden
740 Guatemala
741 El Salvador
742 Honduras
743 Nicaragua
744 Costa Rica
745 Panama
746 Dominican Republic
750 Mexico
759 Venezuela
76 Swiss
770 Colombia
773 Uruguay
775 Peru
777 Bolivia
779 Argentina
780 Chili
784 Paraguay
785 Peru
786 Ecuador
789 Brazil
80-83 Italy
84 Spain
850 Cuba
858 Slovakia
859 Czech Republic
860 Serbia & Montenegro
869 Turkey
87 Holland
880 South Korea
885 Thailand
888 Singapore
890 India
893 Vietnam
899 Indonesia
90 -91 Austria
93 Australia
94 New Zealand
955 Malaysia
958 Macau
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